8-3 Transfer Request
This feature WIII cause a document to be transmitted to up to 30 destinations vla a broad-
casting station
r 1
The message IS stored In the memory of the broadcasting transmitter and transmitted to
each designated recewer In turn
After the end of broadcasting, a Transfer Result Report ISsent from the broadcasting station
to the requesting station
Notes: .
The ID codes of the requesting and the broadcasting stations must be Identical
This code must be agreed upon and stored using function 62 before using this
Your fax telephone number must also have been programmed, using function
80, before using this feature.
Only a machine with the transfer broadcasting function can be used as a broad-
casting station
Raplcom 5000 with SAF, 610, 830
Rlcoh FX5000 with SAF, FX830
Rlfax 2313HS, 231 7HS, 1300HS, 5100S, 610S
The Raplcom 5000 with SAF, Ricoh FX5000, and Rlfax 231 3HS WIII not
send back the transfer result report after broadcasting If there IS one of
these In your facsimile network, contact Rlcoh Service
Your machine can only make a transfer request
Transfer request cannot be made with transmission from memory
The broadcaster and receiver numbers must all contain the International dialing
code and the country code, even If they are all In the same country, and even If
they are all In your own country