you’ll get all the answers!
In fact, you can obtain an incredible amount
of information about the computer’s thought process, and studying
this information can help you learn so much more about the game.
You may access game information at any time via Info Mode. As
described below, you can call up this information manually by press-
ing HINT/INFO, or you can select Info Mode options to be displayed
automatically, every time the computer is considering its next move.
Automatic Info Displays
Activating any or all of the following Info Mode options causes the
computer to automatically display that information every time it thinks
about its move—you can actually watch the computer “think out loud”!
Important: Info Mode options selected for automatic display
are only activated while the computer is thinking!
Press “ (MENU) to enter the Main Menu, and press ¯ repeatedly
until the display shows ¿INFO. Press ENTER to enter Info Mode,
and you’ll see the first of five options, as shown below. Pressing ¯ (or
˘) repeatedly cycles through these options, as follows:
• Show Moves: Shows the computer’s predicted line of play, up to
four individual moves. See Section 7.1.
Options:0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 moves
• Show Nodes: Shows the number of nodes (positions) searched
per second. See Section 7.2.
Options:nodes: off / on
• Show Time per Move: Shows the time used so far for the
current move. See Section 7.3.
Options:time/move: off / on
• Show Progress: Shows the computer’s search depth and the
move currently being considered. See Section 7.4.
Options:progress: off / on
• Show Evaluation: Shows the score for the current position. See
Section 7.2.
Options:evaluation: off / on
To turn an option on/off or to select option settings (if any), press
ENTER when the option is displayed. Pressing ENTER repeatedly will
cycle through all choices for the displayed option. When your desired
choice is displayed, either press ¯ or ˘ to go on to a different option,
or press ‘ (CLEAR) to go back to the Main Menu, and then
“ (MENU) to return to normal game play. For full details on each of
these options, see the referenced section numbers.