2.2 Special Chess Moves
Please note the following, in regard to certain chess moves.
Captures: Captures are shown with an x, as in ıPa7xb6.
En Passant: In this type of capture, displayed with an EP after the
capturing move, the computer reminds you to remove the captured
pawn by flashing it. Press the pawn to remove it from the board.
Castling: After the King has been moved, the Rook will flash.
Make the indicated Rook move on the board to complete the castling
maneuver. Kingside castling is displayed as O-O, and Queenside
castling is displayed as O-O-O.
Pawn Promotion:
• When you promote a pawn, first press the pawn on its from
square, as usual. The display then changes to show the available
promotion pieces (Q R B N). To promote to a Queen, simply press
the to square to complete your move. To underpromote to a Rook,
Bishop, or Knight, press one of the displayed promotion symbols. The
display will confirm briefly (e.g., Prom: rook). Press the to square
to complete the promotion, and the piece will automatically change on
the board.
Note: If you change your mind about the promotion piece
before pressing the to square, simply press one of the other symbols.
• When the computer promotes a pawn, it indicates its move,
along with the promoted piece, as in ıPh2-h1/Q.
2.3 Illegal/Incorrect Moves
Your computer knows all the rules of chess—and it will never cheat!
If you attempt to make an illegal move, a high-pitched double beep
will alert you. This will occur, for instance, if you press an illegal from
or to square, an incorrect piece or color, or an invalid game key.
If you press an illegal to square, the display will simply continue to
indicate the square the piece came from. To continue, move your
piece to a legal square. If you press a from square, but decide not to
make that move, press that same square again to cancel the input. If
you change your mind after entering your whole move, retract the
move as described in Section 6.
2.4 Check, Mate, and Draw
Whenever a King is in check, the computer will display Check
briefly after the move is made. If the computer discovers a forced
mate, it will briefly show a mate announcement (e.g., Mate in 3).
When a game ends in checkmate, the computer will either congratu-
late you or express its condolences, depending on whether you’ve