Mode by pressing “ (MENU) and ¯ (or ˘) until ¿STUDY is displayed,
and then pressing ENTER. Next, refer to the chart and press one of
the board squares to select that Study Position. Press ENTER, and
the display will confirm with Start Study?. Press ENTER again,
and the Study Game will start, as described previously.
For troubleshooting purposes, we’ve compiled the following list of
situations you might encounter, along with some possible solutions.
a. The computer doesn’t react, behaves erratically, or “freezes”
during a game.
• Reinsert the batteries, or replace them with fresh alkalines.
• Static discharge may have caused a lock-up. Press into the
hole marked ACL to reset the unit (see Section 11.1).
b. The display is dim and/or difficult to read.
• Replace the batteries with fresh alkalines.
• Select a different LCD Contrast Option (see Section 4.9).
c. I’ve activated some automatic Info Displays to watch the
computer think, but the display is scrolling too quickly.
• Select a different LCD Speed option (see Section 4.10).
• Press GO/STOP to pause the scrolling display at any time;
press ‘ (CLEAR) to resume scrolling.
d. The computer won’t make a move.
• The unit only responds automatically if Two Player Mode is set
to player: P-C for Player vs. Computer (see Section 4.1).
•You might be on a level where the computer thinks for a long
time. You can force it to move, if desired, by pressing ENTER.
e. The computer won’t accept my move.
•You’re attempting to make an illegal move. Check the rules.
• Is your King in check? Will your move put your King into check?
Are you castling incorrectly? Review the position.
• Is it your turn? If the color symbol is flashing, the computer is
thinking. Press ENTER to interrupt, if desired.
f. The board notation is reversed when I make moves. Why?
•You have the white: top option activated. Go into Option
Mode and change to black: top (see Section 4.4).
g. I just reset for a new game, but the computer is showing
Rate as draw? instead of resetting itself.
•You’ve interrupted a Tournament Level game, and you need to tell
the computer how you want the game to be rated. For details, see
Section 5.3.