Primary Secondary
Time Control Time Control Display
Moves Time Moves Time
F1 30 30 min. 30 30 min. L:F1/30/0:30
F2 30 1 hr. 30 min. remaining 1 hr. L:F2/30/1:30
F3 40 2 hr. 20 1 hr. L:F3/40/2:00
F4 40 2 hr. remaining 1 hr. L:F4/40/2:00
F5 40 2 hr. 30 min. 16 1 hr. L:F5/40/2:30
F6 45 1 hr. 30 min. 15 30 min. L:F6/45/1:30
F7 50 2 hr. 30 min. 20 1 hr. L:F7/50/2:30
F8 60 1 hr. 30 30 min. L:F8/60/1:00
Tournament Level Chart
In accordance with tournament regulations, any time remaining at completion of the moves
of the Primary Time Control is carried forward and added to the time allowed for the Second-
ary Time Control. For example: If you selected Level F3 and completed the first 40 moves in
just one hour, you would be allowed 2 hours for the next 20 moves. Surplus time, if any, is
carried forward and accumulated in this way throughout the game.
When you select one of these Tournament Levels, the display will cycle through three
pieces of information, each of which shows for one second. For example, if square F4 is
selected, the display will show
• The selected square: L:F4 and then...
• The number of moves in
the Primary Time Control: 40 and then...
• The duration of
the Primary Time Control: 2:00