1 ......... 1 A .......... A k ........ King
2 ......... 2 B .......... B q ........ Queen
3 ......... 3 c .......... C r ........ Rook
4 ......... 4 D .......... D b ........ Bishop
5 ......... 5 E .......... E n ........ Knight
6 ......... 6 F .......... F p ........ Pawn
7 ......... 7 G .......... G sb ...... Standard
8 ......... 8 H .......... H
9 ......... 9
0 ......... 0
PM.......... Indicates player to move
S............. Indicates black to move
............. Steady colon indicates that figures
are Minutes and Seconds
............. Flashing colon indicates that figures
are Hours and Minutes
ch:)) ..... Black in check
ch:__ ..... White in check
EnD) ...... Checkmate – black wins
EnD( ...... Draw
te: .......... Teach Mode
o(:3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays both sides
o_:3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays white
o):3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays black
o :3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays neither
Figure 1. Display Symbols and Sounds
1 high tone ........ Acknowledge operation of
any key or sensory
1 low tone.......... Error: Wrong move or
wrong key pressed
2 low tones........ Warning from Coach
3 high tones ...... New Game or Sound and
Coach set
3 low tones........ In games against the
clock, time has run out