display will then show the selected pieces. For example, if you want to play with Kings, Bish-
ops, Knights, and Pawns, after pressing LEVEL, you should press # and @. The display will
show your selection. Then, press LEVEL to exit Level Mode and enter your selection into the
computer, and you can begin your game. Since the King is always required for the game, you
do not need to select this piece for the Teach Mode. In fact, pressing & is how you select a
normal, 32-piece game.
Note that Non Auto is automatically canceled whenever a Teach Mode is selected in the
existing Level Mode.
The 11 Teach Modes and normal game are indicated by the following displays:
Kings and Pawns te:_p
Kings, Knights and Pawns ........................................ te:_n
Kings, Bishops and Pawns ....................................... te:_b
Kings, Rooks and Pawns .......................................... te:_r
Kings, Queens and Pawns........................................ te:_q
Kings, Knights, Bishops and Pawns ......................... te:nb
Kings, Knights, Rooks and Pawns ............................ te:nr
Kings, Knights, Queens and Pawns ......................... te:nq
Kings, Bishops, Rooks and Pawns ........................... te:br
Kings, Bishops, Queens and Pawns......................... te:bq
Kings, Rooks, Queens and Pawns ........................... te:rq
All Pieces (standard board - normal game) ............. te:sb
3.12 Openings Coach Mode
Your computer has 16 different opening sequences in memory, all of which can be played
through so that you may learn them. Press OPENINGS COACH, and, when first selected, the
computer will ‘beep’ and the display will flash