+ Each country or region has its own electricand colorsystems.
+ Before using yourCamcorder abroad, check the followingitems.
Power sources
• Youcan use your Camcorderin any countryor area with the suppliedAC Poweradapter within 100Vto 240V,50/60 Hz.
• Usea commercially availableAC jack adapter, if necessary,dependingon the designof the localwall outlet.
Color system
You can view your recordingin the Viewfinder.
However,to view it on a television or copy it to a videocassette recorder,the televisionor VCR mustbe NTSC-compatibleand
havethe appropriate audio/videojacks.
Otherwise, you may need to use a transcoder.
Australia.Austria. Belgium,Bulgaria. China. CIS. Czech Republic. Denmark. Egypt. Finland. France. Germany, Greece.
Great Britain. Holland.Hong Kong, Hungary.India. Iran. Iraq, Kuwait. Libya,Malaysia. Mauritius.Norway,Romania.
SaudiArabia, Singapore.Slovak Republic,Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,Syria. Thailand.Tunisia. etc.
NTSC-compatible Countries/Regions
Bahamas. Canada. CentralAmerica,Japan. Korea. Mexico, Philippines.Taiwan. United States ofAmerica. etc.
[ Note ]
YoucanmaKerecordingswithyourCamcorderand view pictureson theLCD screenfrom anywnerenthe world.