Frame Advance (To play backframe by frame) (SC-D457only)
Pressthe EADV button on the remote control while instill mode.
The Videoadvances frame byframe eachtime you pressthe EADV button.
The RADV function works in stillmode only.
Toresumenormal playback, pressthe I,./11(PLAY/STILL)button.
Forwardframe advance
Press the EADV button on the remote control in still mode.
Reverse frame advance
Press the 411(-) button on the remote control to changethe direction in RADV mode.
Pressthe EADV buttonon the remote control.
X2 Playback (Forward/Reverse) (SC-D457 only)
• ForwardX2 playback
Pressthe X2 buttonon the remote control during playback.
Toresume normalplayback, press the I_/11(PLAY/STILL)button.
• Reverse X2 playback
Pressthe _11(-) buttonduring forward X2 playback.
Toresume normalplayback, press the I_/11(PLAY/STILL)button.
Reverse Playback(SC-D457 only)
• Toplayback in reverseat normal speed, press the _11(-)buttonduring normalforward playback.
• Pressthe ,/11 (PLAY/STILL)or III_(+) button to returnto normalforward playback.
<SC-D457 only>
[ Notes ]
• Mosaic shaped distortion may appear on the screen while in some of the various playback modes.
Mosaic shaped distortion or noise may be experienced when you play back tapes recorded in LP which contain various playback
• Sound will only be heard during normal SP or LP playback.