Notes and Safety Instructions
• Besure to use arecommended battery pack as describedon page 22. The batteries are availableat a SAMSUNG retailer.
• Makesure thatthe Batterypack isfully charged before startingto record.
• Topreserve battery power, keepyour Camcorderturned off when you are not operating it.
• Ifyour Camcorder is in CAMERA mode,and it is left in STBY mode withoutbeing operatedfor morethan 5 minutes with a
tape inserted,it will automatically turn itselfoff to protect against unnecessarybatterydischarge.
• Makesure thatthe Battery pack isfitted firmly intoplace.
Do notdrop the Batterypack. Droppingthe Battery pack may damage it.
• A brand-new Battery pack is not charged.
Beforeusing the Batterypack, you needto chargeit completely.
• Fullydischarging a Lithium-Ionbattery damages the internalcells. The Batterypack may be prone to leakage whenfully
When ihe battery reachesthe endof its life,please contactyour loca! dealer
The batteries have to be dealt with as chemica!waste,
• Toensure normal recordingand a clear picture,clean thevideo heads regularly.
Ifa square block-shapedistorts playback,oronly a blue screen is displayed,the video heads may be dirty.
Ifthis happens, clean the video heads with a dry type cleaningcassette.
• Donot use awet type cleaning cassette. It may damage the video heads.