Advanced Recording
•t, The MF/AFfunctionworks in the CAMERAmodeonly.
•t, Inmost situations,it is betterto use the AutomaticFocusfeature, asit enablesyou to concentrateonthe creative
sideof your recording.
•t, Manualfocusingmay be necessaryunder certain conditionsthat make automaticfocusinginadequate.
÷ The AF (Auto Focus) mode is set automatically when you switch on the Power switch,
÷ If you are inexperienced with camcorders, we recommend that you use
the Auto Focus mode.
÷ In the followingsituations,you shouldobtainbetter results by adjusting
the focus manually.
a. A picturecontainingseveralobjects, some closeto the camcorder,
others furtheraway.
b. A personenvelopedin fog or surroundedbysnow.
c. Very shinyor glossysurfaceslike a car.
d. Peopleor objects movingconstantlyor quicklylike an athleteor crowd.
1. Set the powerswitchto CAMERAmode.(see page22)
2. Pressthe MFbutton.
MF iconwill appearin display.
3. Zoom in the subject to be recordedbypushingthe ZOOMtab to the "T"side.