Playing back a Tape
+ Toview a tape that you haverecorded,
+ Ptaybackfunctionworks in PLAYERmodeonly.
There aretwo waysto see a tape;
• Towatch with LCD:recommendedfor outdoor use.
• Towatch withTV monitor:recommendedfor indooruse.
+ Toviewa tape usingthe LCDmonitor,(see page32)
+ It is practicalto use a TV monitorto viewtapes indoors.
+ To playa tape back,theTV mustfeaturea compatiblecolor system,(seepage 67)
+ Use the AudioNideo cable suppliedwith yourcamcorder,
• The yellowplug:Video
• The white plug:Audio(L)
+ Youcan connectyourcamcorderto a TV through aVCR.
• Set the input selectoron theVCR to UNE.
• The yellowplug:Video
• The white plug:Audio(L)
Toviewthe cassetteon the televisionscreen,
selectthe channel reservedfor yourVCR onthe television,
(Referto your VCRor televisioninstructionbook)