• Releasingthe Eyecap
1, Pullthe VIEWFINDERup and thenturn the screwcounter-clockwise.
2. Pullthe EYECAP out,
3, Cleanthe EYECAPand the VIEWFINDERscreenwith a soft cloth
and cottonswab or a blower,
• Reattachingthe Eyecap
4. Pat the EYECAPon theVIEWFINDER,
5. Pat the screwbackon.
Open the LCD monitorand wipe it gentlywithasoft cloth.
Be carefulnot to damagethe panel
•t, To ensure normal recordingand clear pictures,cleanthe video heads.
•t, When the playbackpicturesare noisyor hardlyvisible,the video headsmay bedirty,
a. Normal Picture
b,c. Noisy Picture
If this happens,cleanthe video heads
with a dry type cassettecleaner,
1. Setthe powerswitchto PLAYERmode,
2. insert the cleaningtape,
3, Pressthe IHI (PLAY/STILL)button,
4, Pressthe • STOP)buttonafter about 30seconds.
Checkthe qua ty of the p cture us nga vdeo cassette,
if it is still bad, repeatthe operation, Ifthe problem
continues,contactyour local authorizedservicecenter,
1, Youmust detachthe BATTERYPACKfrom the
camcorderwhen storing.
2, Keepthe camcorder in a ventilated,dry andwarm place.
3, Donot keep the camcorderin a place where the
temperatureoften changes,such as ina car,
pthe camcorderin a stable place.
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