Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2K: Entering Information into the Handheld Computer 111
ᮣ Tab delimited (.tab, .tsv, .txt): Address Book and Memo Pad only.CSV
ᮣ (Lotus Organizer 2.x/97 Mapping): Address Book only.
ᮣ Date Book archive (.dba).
ᮣ Address Book archive (.aba).
ᮣ To Do List archive (.tda).
ᮣ Memo Pad archive (.mpa)
Archive formats (.csv, .txt, .tab, .tsv, .dba, .aba, .tda, .mpa) can only be
used with Palm Desktop software. Use the archive file formats to share
information with other people who use Palm Powered handheld’s or to
create a copy of your important Palm Desktop information.
Importing Data
Data must be stored on the desktop or laptop machine before any it can
be imported. Importing the data allows you to keep the information
created on the desktop or laptop available to you.
1. Launch the Palm Desktop software on your desktop or laptop
2. Select one of the following buttons:
ᮣ Date
ᮣ Address
ᮣ To Do
ᮣ Memo
Note: Import file extensions or choices depend on which button is
3. From the menu, click “File/Import”.
4. The Import screen is displayed. Click the “Files of Type” drop down
arrow and select the proper file format.
5. Click the “Browse” button and navigate to the desired file location.
6. Click “Import”.
7. Perform a HotSync function to add the new data to your phone.
Note: See the Palm Desktop help file for more information on Importing.