Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2H: Personal Organizer 84
Tips for Agenda View
ᮣ Tap any appointment while in Agenda view to display the Day View of
the appointment.
ᮣ Check off completed To Do List items in the Agenda view, or click on
a description of an item to go directly into the To Do List application.
ᮣ You can change the category of To Do items shown. Tap on the pick
list and select the new category. See the chapter on “Using the To Do
List” for more information on To Do items.
Scheduling Repeating Events
The repeat function allows you to schedule recurring events using a
single entry. Repeating events could be birthdays, anniversaries, or a
weekly meeting. These events can be scheduled daily, weekly, monthly, or
yearly according to the frequency of the event.
Scheduling A Repeating Event
Tap the desired event (Be sure to tap the event and not the time next
to the event.).
Note: You must have an event before it can be repeated.
2. Tap the Details button.
3. Tap the Repeat box to open the Change Repeat dialog box.
4. Tap the desired day, week, month, or year box, and enter the repeat
information date information.