Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 90
ᮣ If the name is recognized, the phone number associated with the
name is dialed.
ᮣ If the name is not recognized, the name is asked for again.
ᮣ If the name is not recognized after two attempts, a message is
displayed that says “Could not recognize name”. Try the call again
later, or record the entry name again.
Placing a Voice Dial Call from the List
1. From the Phone Menu, tap and select Calls.
2. Tap Voice Dial.
3. The list of available names is displayed from the address book. Scroll
through the list of available names and tap the phone number of the
desired name.
Tip: You can press the Voice Dial button when the number is highlighted in
the Voice Dial list to connect the call.
4. A Voice Dial popup menu is displayed with the following options:
ᮣ Call - Calls the number.
ᮣ Modify - Allows you to edit the entry.
Note: You can also access the Voice Dial screen from the Application
main menu by tapping on the Voice Dial icon. ( )
Managing the Voice Dial List
You can play the recorded name, re-record the name, or erase the
Play or Record:
1. From the Phone Menu, tap and select Calls.
2. Tap Voice Dial.
3. Select the name to edit and tap Modify.
4. The Set Voice Dial screen is displayed.
5. Tap the drop down arrow and select Play. Tap Re-Record to record
the name again.