Picture ¢ontro|
'feLt can select the type of p[ctuu_e which best corresponds to your v[cw[n_ rc_ ldremcnts.
Using Automatic Picture Settings
Yoctr TV has automatic pictctre settings (' Dynanlic' 'Standard", and 'Movie" ) that are
preset at the f?_ctorv _oct can activate either Dynamic Standard Movie or Cttstorn
by pn'ssing the EMODE bcttton (or by making a selection from the mcnc0. Or )out can
seh!ct ' Cttstonff' which atttomatically _ecalls yocu _pet_sonalized pictctrc settings.
Press :h.__ or _ bur[on to
selec[ a patti[ mar Izem,
Pressthe EXITbu[mn zo exit.
Move 4lib Ad}tlsl rrn Returr
'_ Choose D) namic' for viewing the TV during the day or when d_ere is
I)Fight light in the room.
,_ Choose Standard" [oF the standa_:d [actory settings.
,_ Choose 'Movie" when viewing the movie.
,_ Choose 'Custom" i[ you want _oadjust t]_e settings accoFdi]lg to persona]
English - 34