Ilrnportant Notes About Parental Locks
Expla_mtio_ of the _v{PAA a_d T , /FQC) F_atmg _ysteme:
TV {FCC} Age-Based Ratings
Mature auu_eElces only. This program may
conjoin mature memos, ororar e mnguage
grapRle violence arlG axpEleE sexuo
Paren[s a[rongq cat done& This prograre
may coJ[am sopmst_careamemos, sam m
Genara_auEl_e_se. _rcontains ittle or no
violence, no sl 3Rg _angu_ge anEl IE[_e or n[
sexual ola]og or SEUa[toRs.
Directadto one clm_ren. Themes aElEl
e_eraanismthis program may mcmue nmu
physical or comedic violen_ e,or may
comer [. strong language aBEl more Hlrensa zr]gElra_r cnHare] u]ioe r ire age oF sevel
Parenta! guidance suggested, The progran
ma contain infra( uenr coarse la Jguage,
limited vie enee, some suggest{re aexua
matog aria e_roarlous.
All chiNren. Tire themes aria elemer Esuq
the _rogram are specifically designed fo_a
very young audience, mcmamg cmmre
Trom 8_ es IWO to SIX.
TV {FCC} Content Category MPAA Rating System {Movies}
$ Sexually Suggestive DJaJog P6 pareeta! guidance suggested.
X (Adults only).
NR Not rated.
or gro_[p 2').
• ]_,{PAAturin%s:Thc particLdarturin{%that you havc sclectcdwd[ bc [ockc<l.
• Nd[her TV (FCC) ra[in%nor ]_{]_>AAra[in%sapp[}_[0 ['1errsprozratlls.
EnglMq - 60