How to Set up Restrictions Using the "TV Parental Guidelines"
The paternal restrictions can ])c set tq> t_sing either ol hvo methods: The "TV Parerlta[
Guidelit:es' or 'MPAA Rating L
Press the MENU button.
Pressthe A or V button m
select "Setup .men Dressme
ENTER ou:m_
Pressthe A or 'T button
to select "V-ch_p",the[
press the ENTERbutton
Pressthe RUn)l}er DuEorls
tOenter your current 4-
digit PiN.
Enter Pin
Enter Pin :....
Pressthe A or T _)u[:on:o
select "TV Parental Guidelines",
men E"essthe ENTERbuttor
You can n aepenaenuy OCKme
TV razlngs. The JockedTV FCC
ratings are indicated bythe "B
Press me _, or V button to
select one of the six ca:egones,
Pres_ the _' Dutto/_ Io select [Re
approprmie resmcdo:
Press the_ or V button to
semct "B" or "U',
D"ess the 4 button to save.
y All FV v s L D
TV-Y7 .
TV_G : U
TV44 : U U J U U
TV-MA : u
B: BJaCRed
u: un_lcc_
_oung Children
IVtove <_ AdNSt rm Return
All FV V S L D
_)_ TV-PG : U
Tw_a J U J t U
TV4_A : U _ .
B: BlaRed
_ouny Children
411_g!ove _ AdlUSt _ Return
TV-Y : Yowlg children
TV-Y7 : Children 7 and o_el:
TV-G : General audience
TV-PG : Parent Guklance
T¥:14 :Viewers 14 and o_e]
T¥:MA :Matm:e Audience
. Th(se cat<gories consist ol two separat( groups: T\vY" and T%YT" ()oung chiMrer: through ag_ 7),
and T\CG" t ] oc g 'T_MA" (<re Tboc _ e se)
. The restrictions [or these two gloul?s work rod<l?endetttl_: I[ a houqehold....... im ludes ver_,,voun::,,, (}tikh'en
as ,,,,,el1as young adults, th< TV parental ,guid(linee must be set up separatel 2 for each age,,groul )....(See
Englisln - 58