Select “ YES” and press the SET button.
œ The new folder will be assigned a number sequentially
starting with 101 (i.e. 100 Ö 101 Ö 102
999). The
number assigned to a folder cannot be set manually.
œ After the new folder is created, you return to the
Camera Setting Screen and subsequent files recorded
by your digital disk camera will be stored in the new
About the folder to which files are saved and the folder from which files are played
œ Your digital disk camera allows you to create multiple folders so that you can organize your
files into the different folders. The setting of which folder to save files to and which folder to
play files from is done separately so be careful not to confuse the two.
Setting the save folder: Go to Folder Setting Screen (see page 117).
Setting the playback folder: There are two methods (the folder for saving will not change even
if the folder for playing back files is changed).
Select the desired folder at the Folder Information Screen (see
page 118) and press the SET button.
Change folders at the Skip File Screen (see pages 55, 60, 65).
œ If you turn off the digital disk camera while it is in a playback mode and then turn it back on, a
file from the previously selected playback folder will be displayed. If you perform any shooting,
those files will be saved to the save folder selected at the Folder Setting Screen. At this time, if
you return to the playback mode, files from the folder to which you just saved files will be
1 Select the folder to save files (the save folder) at the Folder Setting Screen (see page 117).
(Example: Set folder number 103)
œ If shooting is performed, those files will be saved to folder number 103.
2 Change to playback mode without turning off the digital disk camera.
œ Files in folder number 103 are played back.
3 Change the playback folder at the Folder Information Screen (see page 118).
(Example: Set folder number 101)
4 Perform shooting.
œ The files are saved to folder number 103.
5 Change to playback mode.
œ Files in folder number 103 are played back.
Current folder number
New folder number
Create Folder Confirmation Screen