■ Do not connect the AC adapter/charger to an electronic
œ Connecting the AC adapter/charger to an electronic transformer will cause a
malfunction and possibly a fire.
■ Cautions if the digital disk camera or AC adapter/charger
is not going to be used for a long period
œ For safety, remove the battery pack. The battery pack may generate heat or
leak, and that may start a fire, cause injuries or burns, and damage any
objects placed nearby. When the battery pack is removed for a long period,
the date and time settings will be retained for approximately one year (or until
the internal backup battery runs out).
■ Cautions concerning the battery CR2025
œ One lithium battery CR2025 is used for the remote control and one is used
for backing up the internal clock. Do not use a battery other than the
lithium battery CR2025.
œ Install the battery with the (+) and (–) terminals oriented as indicated. If the
battery is placed in the wrong orientation, it may cause a fire, overheating,
or rupturing.
œ Do not recharge, short circuit, disassemble, modify, heat, or place the battery in a fire. Doing so
may cause a fire, overheating, or rupturing.
œ Do not hold the battery with metal tweezers or a similar tool. Doing so may cause a short circuit
leading to a fire, overheating, or rupturing.
œ Do not perform soldering on the battery or use, store, or leave it near a fire, under direct
sunlight, in a hot car, or other high temperature location.
œ Do not use the battery if it is leaking.
œ If the electrolyte gets into your eyes, you risk losing your eyesight. Do not rub your eyes, wash
them immediately with clean water, and seek medical attention right away. If electrolyte gets on
your skin or clothing, it may cause irritation. Immediately wash with clean water.
œ Keep the battery out of the reach of children. If the battery is accidentally swallowed, contact a
physician immediately. It may cause poisoning or suffocation.
œ When disposing of batteries, make sure to follow all applicable regulations.
œ When disposing of the lithium battery, place tape on its positive (+) and negative (–) terminals
to prevent shorting. Do not mix the lithium battery with other batteries. Doing so may cause a
fire or rupturing.