■ When selecting “ S.SPEED” and pressing the RETURN button
œ Sets the AE with shutter speed priority.
œ The Shutter Speed Setting Screen appears.
œ Turn the control dial to select the desired shutter
speed and press the RETURN button.
œ The shutter speeds that can be selected will differ
depending on the current shooting mode.
Still Image Shooting Mode:
1/500 to 16 seconds
Sequential Shot Shooting Mode:
1/2000 to 1/30 seconds (resolution P)
1/2000 to 1/15 seconds (resolution R or Q)
Video Clip Shooting Mode:
1/2000 to 1/30 seconds (frame rate X)
1/2000 to 1/15 seconds (frame rate W)
œ When the shutter speed priority AE is set, the
indicator - appears.
■ When selecting “ APERTURE” and pressing the RETURN button
œ Sets the AE with aperture priority.
œ The Aperture Setting Screen appears.
œ Turn the control dial to select the desired aperture
and press the RETURN button.
œ When the ND filter is activated to reduce the
passage of light, “+ND” appears to the right of the
aperture setting.
œ When the aperture priority AE is set, the indicator
/ appears.
■ When selecting “ MANUAL” and pressing the RETURN button
œ The Manual Exposure Setting Screen appears.
œ To set the shutter speed, press the F1 button and
turn the control dial.
œ To set the aperture, press the F2 button and turn the
control dial.
œ After setting the desired shutter speed and aperture,
press the RETURN button.
œ When manual AE is set, the indicator . appears.
To return to program AE, press the EXP button to display the Exposure Control
Setting Screen, select “ PROGRAM,” and press the RETURN button.
Shutter Speed Setting Screen
Shutter speed setting
Aperture Setting Screen
Aperture setting
Manual Exposure Setting Screen
Shutter speed setting Aperture setting