Your Warranty Rights and Obligations
The Califomia Air ResourcesBoard (CARB), United
States EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA), and
Sears Roebuck and Co. USA (Sears) are pleasedto
explain the emissionscontrolsystemwananty on
your 1997 and later utilityand lawn and garden
equipment engine.New Utilityand Lawn and Garden
Equipment(ULGE) engines mustbe designed,built,
and equipped tomeet boththe State of Californiaand
Federal stringentanti-smogstandards.Sears must
warrant the emissioncontrolsystem on your ULGE
engine for the pedodsoftime listedbelowprovided
there has been no abuse, neglect, or improper
maintenance ofyourULGE engine.
The emissionscontrolsystem may includepartssuch
as the carburetor,ignitionand exhaust systems.
When a warrantableconditionoccurs,Searswill
repair yourlawn and garden equipmentengine at no
costto you. Expensescovered underwarranty
includediagnosis,replacementparts and labor.
Manufacturer's Warranty Coverage
The 1997 and later ULGE engines are warrantedfor
twoyears. Ifany emissionrelatedcomponentor
system on yourengine (as listedbelow)isfoundto be
defective, repairsor replacementwillbe performedby
an authodzed Sears service center.
Owner's Warranty ResponsibiliUes
As the ULGE engine owner, you are responsiblefor
the completionof all required maintenanceas listedin
yourfactory suppliedOwner's Manual. Forwarranty
purposesSears recommendsthatyou retain all
receiptscoveringmaintenance on your ULGE engine.
However, Sears cannotdeny warrantysolelybecause
of the lack of receiptsorfor your failureto ensurethe
completionof allscheduledmaintenance.
Asthe ULGE engine owner, you shouldbe aware that
Sears may deny any and/orall warranty coverageor
responsibilityifyour ULGE engine or a
pad/componentof ithas failed due to abuse, neglect,
impropermaintenance, unapprovedmodifications,or
the use ofcounterfeitand/or 'grey-market' parts not
made, suppliedor approvedby the odginal equipment
You are responsiblefor presentingyour ULGE engine
to a Sears authorizedservicecenter as soon as a
problemoccurs.Warranty repairs shouldbe
completedin a reasonable amount oftime, not to
exceed 30 days.
Ifyou have any questionsregardingyour warranty
dghtsand responsibilities,you shouldcontactyour
nearestauthorizedservice center or call Sears at 1-
Warranty Commencement Date
The warrantypeded beginson the date the ULGE
engine isdeliveredto the original, end-use purchaser.
Sears warrantstothe initialowner and each
subsequentpurchaserthat the engine isfree from
defectsin materialsand workmanshipwhichcause
the failureof a warranted part for a periodoftwo
What is Covered
Repairor Replacementof Parts
Repair or replacementof any warranted part willbe
performedat no chargeto the owner at an approved
Searsservice center. Ifyou have any questions
regardingyourwarranty fightsand responsibilities,
you shouldcontact your nearest authorized service
centeror call Sears at 1-800-473-7247.