To operatetheengineyouwillneedtodothefollowing:
Add Engine Oil
only use high qualitydetergentoil ratedwith API
service classificationSF or SG. Selectthe oil'sSAE
viscositygrade accordingto yourexpected operating
colder _ 32°F _ warmer
,,t II J,
5W30 SAE 30
Althoughmulti-viscosityoils(5W30, 10W30, etc.)
improve startingin coldweather, these multi-viscosity
oilswill resultin increasedoilconsumption when used
above 32°F. Check yourengine oil level more
frequentlyto avoidpossibledamage from runninglow
on oil.
Place cleaningsystemon a level surface
Clean area aroundoilfillcap and remove.
Dil Fill Cap
Oil Drain Plug
Pour oilfrom enclosedbottle intothe oilfillopening
untiloil reachesthe point of overflowing. Do not
Install oilfillcap. Hand tightensecurely.
Add Gasoline
• Use regular unleaded gasolinewith thecleaning
system engine. Fueltank capacityis 1 gallon.
,_ DANGER: Never fillfuel tank indoors.Never fill
fueltankwhen engineis runningor hot.Do not
smokewhen fillingfuel tank.
,_ CAUTION: Do notoverfillthefuel tank. Always
leave roomfor expansion.
CAUTION: Experienceindicatesthatalcohol
blendedfuels (calledgasoholor usingethanol
or methanol) can attract moisturewhichleadsto
separationandformationof acidsduring
storage.Acidicgas can damage thefuel system
ofan enginewhilein storage.
To add fuel toengine:
Clean area aroundfuel cap, removecap.
• Add regular unleaded gasoline,slowly,to the fuel
Important: Never mix oilwith gasoline.
• Install fuel cap and wipe up any spilledgasoline.
The best way to startyourcleaningsystem engine for
the firsttime isto followthese instructionsstep-by-
step. This startinginformationalso applies whenever
you startthe engine afteryou have letthe cleaning
system sitidle for at least a day.
Place the cleaningsystem in an area close enough
to an outsidewater soume that canflow at a rate of
at least 3 gallonsper minute. Connect a garden
hose to the water spout.
• Check that the high pressurehose is tigh'tly
connectedto the spray gunand to the pump. See
ASSEMBLY sectionon page 4.
• Check inletscreen on the water inlet. If the screen
is dirty,clean beforeattachinga garden hose. ffthe
screen is damaged, do not connectto the garden
hose. Replacewith screen providedin maintenance
kitor cell 1-800-366-PART toorder a replacement
inlet screen.
• Attach thethe gardenhose tothe water inlet.
• Tum on the water,
,& CAUTION_Do not run pumpwithoutthe water
supplyconnected and turned on. You must
follow this cautionor the pumpwillbe damaged.
• Remove the dual lance from the spray gun.
• Pullthe tdggeron the spray gunand hold untila
steady stream ofwater appears.
• Engage the safety latchon the spraygun.
• Attach dual lance ontospray gun.