• Move Run/Stopswitchtothe "Run" position.
• Pressthe primerbulb three (3) times, waitingtwo
(2) secondsbetween each push.
• Grasp starterhandle and pullslowlyuntilyou feel
some resistance.Then pullcord rapidlyto
overcomecompression,preventkickbackand start
theengine. Let roperetum to starterslowly.
Note: The PressureCommandTM may be placedin
any positionduringstaring or operation.However, for
cold starts,itis recommendedthatthe Pressure
CommandTM be placed inthe Uhigh"position.
Note: Ifthe engine fails to startafter 3 pulls,primethe
engine three (3) times and pullstarter ropeagain.
Once the engine has started, disengagethe spray
gun safety latch.
• Move the Run/Stopswitchto the "Stop" position.
Simply shutting off the engine will not release
pressure in the system. Squeeze triggeronthe
spray gunto relieve pressure in the hose.
Note: A small amountof water willsquirtout when
you release the pressure.
• Rotate the Dial-A-Cleaner TM selector knob to the
OFF position to prevent chemical leakage.
DO NOT siphonstandingwater for yourwater supply.
Contaminated, brackishor dirtywater can damage the
pump. Connect onlyto householdwater supply.
Never use the garden hose inletto siphon
detergent orwax.
If you hold the spray nozzle too far away fromthe
objectbeing cleaned, washing willnot be as _'
• Always store the cleaning system with the Dial-
A-Cleaner TM selector knob to the OFF position.