Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
A.3 LBA-PC Command and Data Formats
The LBA-PC does not support the IEEE 488.2 specification of sending multiple commands separated by
semicolons. Each command must
be sent separately and terminated by asserting the EOI line with the
last byte sent.
The following are some typical formats for command and response transmissions:
cmd: *CCC(^END)
cmd: *CCC?(^END)
cmd: *CCC_key=value(^END)
cmd: *CCC_key=value;key=value;…;key=value(^END)
rsp: CCC_key=value;key=value;…;key=value;;(^END)
rsp: CCC_FrameNumber=f;;#dn..n(DAB)(DAB)…(DAB)(DAB)(^END)
* = precedes a 488.2 common command
: = precedes a LBA-PC command
CCC = three character command code, case is ignored
? = query character to illicit a response
_ = an ASCII SPACE character (0x20)
key = command dependent parameter
value = value assigned to key
(DAB) = 8 bit data byte in binary format
(^END)= indicates that EOI is asserted with the last byte sent.
A.4 Configuration Command Parameters
Type Description
L Selection. ASCII numeric value corresponding to the desired
selection. All selections start with a base value of zero.
I Integer. ASCII numeric value in integer format.
B Boolean. ASCII numeric integer value.
0 = false. 1 = true.