Use the :FST? command to determine the specific fixed point format of pixels in a frame. The
PixelBits parameter specifies the number of integer bits. The PixelBitsFraction parameter
specifies the number of fraction bits.
A.5.4.16 RDD? - read raw data
Returns the binary frame data.
:RDD? <configuration>
Key Type Value Description
FrameNumber I frame number
-1 = gain frame
0 = reference frame
1 to n. ‘n’ is the size of the frame buffer.
default = current frame
RDD FrameNumber=f;Width=w;Height=h;#dn..n(DAW)(DAW)…(DAW)
f = frame number
w = number of columns
h = number of rows
# = pound symbol
d = number of digits to follow in n..n
n..n = number of data words
(DAW) = data word is two 8-bit data bytes, low byte followed by high byte
Each data word is a two’s complement fixed point value in one of the following formats:
siiiiiii ifffffff LBA-300PC -256 to 255.9921875
siiiiiii iiifffff LBA-400PC -1024 to 1023.96875
siiiiiii iiiiifff LBA-500PC -4096 to 4095.875
siiiiiii ifffffff LBA-708PC -256 to 255.9921875
siiiiiii iiifffff LBA-710PC -1024 to 1023.96875
siiiiiii iiiiifff LBA-712PC -4096 to 4095.875
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
siiiiiii iiiiiiif LBA-714PC -16384 to 16383.5