A.5.1.5 EXP - set export configuration & export image(s)
:EXP <configuration>
Key Type Value Description
B false = set configuration only.
true = set configuration then export images.
Images cannot be exported while running.
default = true
Replace B Overwrite if file exists.
default = false
S Base name of export file. Extension
automatically created by LBA-PC based on
export file type.
Maximum 256 characters.
StartFrame I First frame to export.
1 to n. ‘n’ is the size of the frame buffer.
NumberFrames I Number of frames to export.
0 = all frames
1 to n. ‘n’ is the size of the frame buffer.
BMP B .BMP export enable.
AsciiComma B .CMA export enable.
AsciiSpace B .SPC export enable.
CursorData B .CUR export enable.
ColumnRowSum B .SUM export enable.
A.5.1.6 LOG - set logging configuration
NOTE: There is no default path for this command. If you want the data log file, results log file, or export log file(s)
to be saved in a particular path then send the path with the file name.
Data & Results logging will append to an existing file once opened. It will overwrite an existing
file if newly opened. Export logging will always overwrite an existing file. No warning or error
message is given in either instance.
:LOG <configuration>
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10