To connect the computer
or room control
system to your hub
Connect your hub to the computer or room control system using the female RS-232
The female RS-232 connector is for room control only.
To enable your hub’s
room control mode
1. Select System > Settings.
The SMART Hub SE240 Settings dialog box appears.
2. Select Administration, and then select the Enable room control with RS-232
check box.
3. Press Apply All.
To configure your serial
interface settings
You can’t configure the SMART Hub SE240’s serial interface settings. Therefore,
configure your computer’s serial communication program, such as Microsoft®
HyperTerminal or your room control system’s serial communication settings, to the
following values.
To verify that the
serial interface is
in room control mode
1. Turn on your communication program.
2. Configure your communication program as documented in the previous section.
3. Press ENTER.
If your configuration is correct and the SMART Hub SE240 is in room control
mode, the > character appears.
Setting Value
Data rate 9600 bps
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None