Whiteboard allows you to capture notes and drawings in digital ink on your SMART
product. Use Whiteboard for brainstorming, note-taking and other activities for
which you want to use your SMART product’s digital ink tools without connecting
to a computer.
To create a file Press the New File button.
A new file opens.
To open a file 1. Connect the USB storage device that contains the Whiteboard file to your hub,
and then press the File Open button.
The File browser dialog box appears.
2. Select the USB storage device’s drive letter in the Look In list, and then browse to
and select the file.
3. Press Open.
The file opens.
To add a page Press the Add Page button.
A new page appears after the current page.
To delete a page 1. Select the page you want to delete, and then press the Delete Page button.
A delete page confirmation appears.
2. Press OK to delete the page.