Saving or E-Mailing a File
You can save your file on a USB storage device or e-mail it in one of the
following formats:
• Whiteboard file (.notebook)
• JPEG archive (.zip)
• Portable Document Format (.pdf)
After saving a file on a USB storage device, you can open, view and edit on a
computer with SMART Notebook or SMART Meeting Pro™ software.
To save a file 1. Connect a USB storage device to your hub.
2. Press the Save button.
3. Select the USB storage device’s drive letter in the Look In list.
4. Browse to the folder where you want to save the file.
Press the New Folder button to create a new folder for the file.
5. Type a file name in the File Name box.
6. Select a file type in the Save as type list.
• Whiteboard file (.notebook)
• JPEG archive (.zip)
• Portable Document Format (.pdf)
If you select JPEG Archive (.zip), your hub saves each page in the
Whiteboard file as a JPEG image and then archives them in a single zip file.
7. Press Save.