
4.14 B400 Functional Description
SStteerreeoo GGrroouupp MMoodduullee
There are up to four Mono Group Modules in the console. The module compris-
es a Group Master section and a Stereo Return section.
SStteerreeoo RReettuurrnn
The stereo return normally receives inputs via two XLR sockets on the rear con-
nector panel.
When the BUS switch is pressed the inputs to the stereo return section are dis-
abled and are replaced by the local Group output signal.
The Level control adjusts the level of the stereo return or bus input depending on
the position of the TAPE RTN switch.
The PAN control acts as a Balance control with a gain of 3dB at the centre posi-
tion and a drop of -10dB to left and right allowing adjustment of the signal position
in the stereo image of the main mix.
The stereo return is muted when the MUTE switch is pressed.
The post-mute stereo signal may be routed by the appropriate switches to the
Stereo Mix (ST) or the Group (GRP) for the module on which is located.
When the CUE button is depressed either the pre-level-control signal or the post-
mute signal, depending on the position of the PFL/AFL switch on the Monitor
module, is fed to the cue system. The CUE button may be operated in latched
mode (press and release within 0.5 secs) or momentary mode (press and hold for
more than 0.5 secs).
GGrroouupp SSeeccttiioonn
IINNSS ((IInnsseerrtt))
The Group mix is fed to two internal switches (S30/31)which allows you to select
the Insert Point as pre or post-fade. The default setting is pre-fade.
When the INS button is pressed the signal path is routed via the Insert Return
XLR. When the INS button is released the signal path is routed internally. The
Group signal is always available on the Insert Sends, irrespective of the position of
the INS switch.
The Mute may be activated by pressing the MUTE switch (note that the group
number is printed on the switch), or by a remote mute signal, available on the
rear connector panel. The associated LED glows to indicate that the remote mute
is active. Note that the Insert Sends are never muted.