
1.2 B400 Introduction
Congratulations on purchasing a Soundcraft console.
The B400 has been designed to meet the needs of Live TV & Radio Broadcast and
Production Facilities including OB vehicles. Based on the highly successful B800,
the B400 delivers a level of configurability unrivalled in its class.
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l 24, 32, 40, 48 and 56-module frames
l 1 stereo and 3 mono auxes
l LED indication on all switches
l Wide variation in module audio and logic / control functions via internal
l Stereo ISDN cleanfeed facilities via direct outputs on Telco channels
l Versatile and highly configurable monitoring via speakers and studio and
guest headphones
l Limiters on master output
l Wide range of meterbridge options
l Balanced audio inputs and outputs throughout, on XLRs and EDACs
l Pseudo-balanced internal bussing