
B400 Functional Description 4.23
This control sets the level of the Guest Heaphones output. The source is selected
as described in (16) above.
This control sets the level of the Studio Heaphones output. The source is selected
as described in (16) above.
If TALK TO STUDIO is active (see 15 above), the stereo master signal will be
routed in mono to the left side of the headphones, with talkback routed to the
right. A producer-to-studio input is also available to the phones, with audio input
and control via the rear panel EDAC connector and external logic connector. This
signal is routed left, with talkback on the right whenever it is present.
The LEVEL control sets the level of the Studio Speaker output. This is a VCA con-
trol, and may be controlled externally (connections are via the EXT LOGIC D-
The Studio Speakers May be muted locally by pressing the MUTE switch. The
integral LED illuminates to show that the local mute is active. The Studio Speakers
may also be muted by an external mute via the external logic connector on the
rear panel, or by the ON-AIR switch on the Master. An associated EXT LED indi-
cates when the Mute has been activated remotely.
The Studio Speakers may be dimmed by pressing the DIM switch. The amount of
dimming is adjustable via an internal preset.
RReeaarr CCoonnnneeccttoorr PPaanneell
This rear connector panel is a joint panel for the Monitor Module and the Comms
AAllll oouuttppuutt XXLLRR ccoonnnneeccttoorrss aarree wwiirreedd aass ffoolllloowwss::
Pin1 Ground
Pin2 Hot
Pin3 Cold
PPhhoonneess JJaacckk SSoocckkeett
Tip Left
Ring Right
Sleeve Gnd