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SPIRE III Series – Installation and Operating Instructions
FIlm alIGnment
The top and bottom supply rolls must be aligned
as closely as possible. Misalignment can cause
adhesives to stick to the rollers. The 3 inch Extruded
AUTOGRIP Shafts have rulers incorporated to assist
centering the lm on the shafts.
Figure 56. Measuring rules on Shafts to align the rolls.
To align the supply rolls:
1. With the film roll on the shaft, note the
measurement on each end of the shaft.
2. Shift the roll side to side to ensure that the two
measurements are equal.
FIlm tensIon
Proper lm tension, known as brake tension, is the
minimum amount required to eliminate wrinkles in
the nished item. As the lm roll becomes smaller,
tension increases, thus the adjustment needs
to be loosened. Film tension should be checked
occasionally to ensure that the adjustment is correct.
The lm should be taut with no gaps between the
lm and Main Rollers. A properly adjusted roll of
lm should not require excessive force to turn by
hand. Film tension should be enough to introduce a
minor amount of drag as the lm unrolls. Insufcient
tension causes wrinkles, while too much tension
causes stretching (necking). Uneven tension between
the top and bottom rolls create curl. Too much upper
tension creates upward curl. Too much lower tension
bottom creates downward curl.
Refer to the “” section for information about each of
the Adjustment knobs.
testInG tHe WeB
After webbing the machine, it is important that the
lms run straight and evenly.
To test the web:
1. Set the Roller Pressure Crank to an appropriate
2. Press RUN on the Control Panel or press the
Footswitch and run approximately 6 in. (10 cm)
of laminate.
3. Press STOP or release the Footswitch.
4. Visually inspect the top and bottom films where
they enter the point between the two Main
The films should be tight against the rollers
at both ends. If they are not, use the tension
adjustment knobs to tighten the loose supply film
brake and run another test.
5. Ensure that the release liner take-up keeps the
liner loose against the idler bar.
Use the upper film supply tension knob to
properly tension the release liner.
6. Run test materials before laminating good
lamInatIon GuIde
This manual provides general guidelines and is only
a general reference guide. Different settings may be
suitable as the lamination time and materials change.
Test materials before running good materials through
the machine.
• Do not attempt to laminate abrasive or metal
objects such as staples, paper clips and
glitter, as they may damage the rollers.
• Do not force items into the point between the
two Main Rollers. An item that is not easily
drawn into the laminator by the rollers is
probably too thick to laminate.
• Wrinkles may result if an attempt is made to
reposition an item once it has been grasped
by the rollers.
• Do not stop the laminator before an item has
completely exited the Main Rollers. Even a
momentary stop may cause a mark on the
laminated item.
• Good, consistent lamination is a result of
combining proper tension and roller pressure.
• Do not combine thick and thin items at the
same time, as this will result in a poor edge
seal around the thinner material.