
3. S tart up
This chap ter is ad dres sed to the ope ra tors of the ma chi ne.
This chap ter as su mes ge ne ral skills with dry ing equip ment.
This chap ter as su mes that the functio nal des crip ti on has been read and un -
ders tood.
It must be en su red that the ope ra tors have the re qui red ex pe rien ce.
Make sure that the main switch is at “0" po si ti on.
Check the dry ing hop per for cle an li ness.
Check to see whet her the ad he si ve film on the dry ing hop per has be re -
mo ved.
If the re is a re turn air coo ler, switch on its coo lant cir cuit.
If the re is a ti mer clock (op tional), ad just it. Read the ope ra ting ma nu al of
the ti mer clock.
Check whet her the re lea se switch “Ti mer” and the re lea se swit ches
“Hop per” (ST1 - ST6) are at ”0" po si ti on.
The sig nal lamp “trou ble” may flash short ly whi le the val ve block is chan -
STT 110 / STT 160
S tart up 3-1