9. Technical Data
9.1. STT 110
amount of de hu mid i fied air:.............................max. 110 m
/h (3,8846.1 cf/h)
op er at ing volt age:...............................................400 V/3 AC/50 Hz
spe cial volt ages can be sup plied on re quest
con nected load: .........................................................3.2 kW
cal o rific out put (dry ing)
: ..............................................max. 9.0 kW
*de pend ing on the equip ment with hop per heat ers
cal o rific out put (re gen er at ing):..............................................2.4 kW
driv ing power (dry ing, re gen er at ing): .......................................0.75 kW
dry ing tem per a ture: ..........................................max. +180 °C(356°F)
width: .........................................................900 mm (35.5 in.)
depth:.........................................................666 mm (26.2 in.)
height: .......................................................1320 mm (52.0 in.)
weight: ...............................................approx. 180 kg (396.83 lbs.)
noise: .........................................................approx. 66 dB (A)
op tions: .............................................................timer clock
..............................................................dew point dis play
............................................................... re turn air cooler
Re turn Air Cooler
wa ter flow rate in the wa ter mains net work*:............... approx. 0.35 m
/h (12.46cf/h)
wa ter tem per a ture: +6 °C) (42.8°F)
Ø pipe con nec tion:...................................................1/2” (0.5 in.)
STT 110 / STT 160
Technical Data 9-1