7.1. Tansport and Packing
Please en sure ad e quate car ry ing ca pac ity of the lift ing equip ment.
Note that the dryer sys tem is top-heavy. Risc of top pling!
The ma chine must not be tilted or laid on its side.
The equip ment pass a rig or ous op er at ing test in the fac tory and are packed care fully to avoid
trans port dam age.
Please check pack ing on de liv ery for trans port dam age.
The in let and dis charge flanges are sealed with plugs, so that no dirt can en ter dur ing trans port.
Plugs must be re moved be fore as sem bly.
Packing ma te ri als should be dis posed of ac cord ing to en vi ron men tal laws or re used.
The dryer or the com pact unit is de liv ered on a pal let.
The dryer should only be moved by means of the ap pro pri ate lift ing equip ment (e. g. a fork lift
truck or a work shop crane).
Fas ten the trans port ca bles to the eye lets of the con trol cab i nets.
Trans port must be shock-proofed and free from vi bra tions.
STT 110 / STT 160
Trans port, As sem bly and Stor age 7-2