2.1. For your sa fe ty
Ge ne ral
The ope ra ting per son nel of this equip ment must be at least 16 ye ars old.
Plea se read the se ope ra ting in struc tions ca re ful ly be fo re ta king into ope ra ti on for the first time.
Con tact us should que stions ari se. This avoids in ju ry and da ma ge to equip ment!
The se ope ra ting in struc tions must be kept avai la ble at all ti mes at the pla ce of ope ra ti on of the
equip ment. Im pro per ope ra ti on re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents!
Plea se note that, for rea sons of cla ri ty, not all con cei va ble ca ses re gar ding ope ra ti on or main ten -
an ce of the equip ment can be co ver ed in the se ope ra ting in struc tions.
Plea se ob ser ve all sa fe ty in struc tions and war nings on the equip ment. This avoids in ju ry and da -
ma ge to equip ment!
All work on the equip ment is to be car ried out by per sons who se qua li fi ca tions are spe ci fied in the
per tai ning chap ters of the ope ra ting in struc tions. Im pro per ope ra ti on re sults in dan ger of ac ci -
The pro per wor king clot hes are to be worn du ring any work on the equip ment. This avoids in ju ry!
The lo cal re gu la tions and re qui re ments per tai ning to this equip ment must be ob ser ved.
Dis con nect elec tri cal com po nents from the mains supp ly be fo re work is car ried out on the se com -
po nents Cau ti on: Dan ger to life through elec tri cal shock!
Com pi le de tai led ope ra ting in struc tions ba sed on the se Ope ra ting in struc tions for the se quen ce
of pro ce du res to be car ried out on this equip ment. Im pro per ope ra ti on re sults in dan ger of ac ci -
Ob ser ve that the con trol sys tem is still un der vol ta ge even when the main switch is swit ched off.
Cau ti on: Dan ger to life through elec tri cal shock!
As sem bly
Com pa re the con nec ted lo ads with tho se of the mains supp ly. Dan ger of in ju ry through elec tri cal
When using lif ting gear, plea se ob ser ve the per tai ning re gu la tions. Cau ti on: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Do not mo di fy, add ot her equip ment or chan ge the de sign of the equip ment wit hout the ap pro val
of the ma nu fac tu rer. Cau ti on: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
At tach ments not supp lied by Ster ling must be ma nu fac tur ed in ac cor dan ce with sa fe ty re gu la ti on
EN 294. Dan ger of ac ci dents!
The equip ment may only be ope ra ted when all the as so cia ted com po nents are pro per ly con nec -
ted up and in ac cor dan ce with the re le vant re gu la tions. This avoids in ju ry and da ma ge to equip -
Ope ra te the de vi ce only if all its com po nents are groun ded. Dan ger: ac ci dent through elec tri cal
Plea se note for in stal la ti on that the equip ment is top-he avy. Dan ger exists that it may topp le over!
De hu mi di fied Air Dry er
Sa fe ty in struc tions 2-2