5. Main te nance .....................................................5-1
5.1. Main te nance in ter vals .............................................5-3
5.2. Cleaning/re new ing the air fil ters .....................................5-4
5.3. Ten sioning the V-belts .............................................5-7
5.4. Dis posing of the dry ing agent ......................................5-10
5.5. Ser vicing the ac ces so ries .........................................5-10
5.6. Changing the bat tery of the con trol sys tem ...........................5-11
5.6.1. Re setting the con trol val ues ..............................5-13
6. Func tional de scrip tion .............................................6-1
6.1. Dryer ...........................................................6-2
6.2. Drying hop per (op tional) ...........................................6-3
6.3. Re turn air cooler (op tional) .........................................6-4
6.4. Hop per heat ers (op tional) ..........................................6-5
6.5. Au to matic mo tor flaps (op tional) .....................................6-5
6.6. Con nec tion to a pneu matic con vey ing sys tem (op tional) .................6-5
7. Trans port, As sem bly and Stor age ...................................7-1
7.1. Trans port and Packing .............................................7-2
7.2. As sem bly........................................................7-4
7.3. Stor age .........................................................7-4
8. As sem bly in struc tions ............................................. 8-1
8.1. Mount ing of the suc tion de vice for re gen er a tion ex haust air ..............8-2
8.2. Fill ing up the dry ing cells ...........................................8-3
8.3. Con nec tion of the air cool ers (op tional) ...............................8-4
8.4. Elec tri cal con nec tion ..............................................8-5
9. Tech ni cal Data ....................................................9-1
STT 1600