Alarm mes sages are dis played in plain lan guage on the screen of the op -
er a tor de vice.
The dis play of alarm mes sages in the op er a tor de vice can only be erased
by press ing the ”ACK” key. The fail ure is not re paired.
A fail ure is given by flash ing of the LED “alarm”. If the alarm mes sage is
ac knowl edged by press ing of the “ACK” key, but the fail ure is not yet
elim i nated, the flash ing changes to steady light.
If a cool ing ap pli ance is pres ent: If the tem per a ture in side the switch box
is higher than +50 °C (122°F), the lamp ”alarm - tem per a ture in side
switch box” goes on. If the tem per a ture is still too high af ter 30 min utes,
the dryer is switched off.
Fai lu res must be re pai red im me di ate ly.
flas hes in case of an er ror;
is on if the er ror has been ack nowled ged but not yet eli mi na ted;
is off if the re are no er rors
Press the ”K2"-key.
De hu mi di fied Air Dry er
Er ror and er ror cor rec ti on 4-2