Chapter 8 Managing the Server From the lom> Prompt 8-5
8.2.3 Exiting From the lom> Prompt
● To return to the Solaris console prompt from the lom> prompt, type:
Note – If you have the Serial A/LOM port dedicated to the LOM device (instead of
shared between the LOM and the console), this command will have no effect. For
information about dedicating the Serial A/LOM port to the LOM device, see
Section 8.6, “Separating the LOM From the Console on the Serial A/LOM Port” on
page 8-19.
Note – If you have set up named users of the LOM device, the users need
c-level permission to execute the console command. Without it, the command will
not work. For more information about setting up user permissions, see Section 8.4,
“Setting Up LOM Privileges for Named Users” on page 8-13.
8.2.4 Resetting the Server
● To reset the server, type:
● To perform a limited reset affecting the processor only, type:
The -x option generates the equivalent of an externally initiated reset (XIR) of the
server. You must have r-level permission to use this command (for information
about user authorization levels, see Section 8.4, “Setting Up LOM Privileges for
Named Users” on page 8-13). The -x option takes the server into OpenBoot PROM
mode and causes it to display the ok prompt. It is useful for driver or kernel
debugging, because most of the contents of the server’s memory and registers are
preserved. The server does not automatically return to Solaris when you reset it
using the -x option. Instead you must reboot it from the ok prompt.
lom> console
lom> reset
lom> reset -x