
10-6 Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide December 2001 To Find Out If SunVTS is Installed
If SunVTS software is loaded, information about the package will be displayed.
If SunVTS software is not loaded, you will see the following error message: Installing SunVTS
By default, SunVTS is not installed on the Sun Fire V120 or Netra 120 servers.
However, it is available on the software supplement CD supplied with Solaris. For
information about downloading it from this CD, refer to the Sun Hardware Platform
Guide for the release of Solaris you are using.
To find out more about using SunVTS, refer to the SunVTS documentation that
corresponds to the Solaris release that you are running. Viewing SunVTS Documentation
The SunVTS documents are included on the Software Supplement CD that is part of
each Solaris Media Kit release and is also accessible at http://docs.sun.com.
We recommend you consult the following SunVTS documents:
SunVTS User’s Guide describes how to install, configure, and run the SunVTS
diagnostic software.
SunVTS Quick Reference Card provides an overview of how to use the SunVTS
CDE interface.
pmem Tests the physical memory (read only)
sutest Tests the server’s on-board serial ports
vmem Tests the virtual memory (a combination of the swap partition and
the physical memory)
# pkginfo -l SUNWvts
ERROR: information for “SUNWvts” was not found
TABLE 10-2 SunVTS Tests
SunVTS Test Description