
Chapter 6 Connecting the Cables 6-9
6.3.4 Settings for the Serial Connections
The settings you need to use for a serial connection are listed in TABLE 6-4. If you
need to perform binary data transfers (that is, transfers of anything other than
simple ASCII character streams), use the Serial B port. Communication on the Serial
A/LOM port is subject to interruption by the Lights-Out Management device (see
Chapter 8).
Note If you ever change the OpenBoot PROM’s serial configuration and then
restart the server, the LOM device’s serial configuration will reflect the new settings.
By default, however, both the OpenBoot PROM and the LOM serial configuration
are as described in TABLE 6-4.
TABLE 6-4 Default Settings for Connecting to the Serial A/LOM or Serial B Port
Parameter Setting
Connector Serial A/LOM or Serial B (use Serial B for binary data transfers)
Rate 9600 baud
Parity No
Stop bits 1
Data bits 8