
For best performance, all HADB processes (clu_xxx_srv) must t in physical memory. They
should not be paged or swapped. The same applies for shared memory segments in use.
You can congure the size of some of the shared memory segments. If these segments are too
small, performance suers, and user transactions are delayed or even aborted. If the segments
are too large, then the physical memory is wasted.
You can congure the following parameters:
“DataBuerPoolSize” on page 110
“LogBuerSize” on page 111
“InternalLogbuerSize” on page 112
“NumberOfLocks” on page 113
“Timeouts” on page 115
The HADB stores data on data devices, which are allocated on disks. The data must be in the
main memory before it can be processed. The HADB node allocates a portion of shared
memory for this purpose. If the allocated database buer is small compared to the data being
processed, then disk I/O will waste signicant processing capacity. In a system with
write-intensive operations (for example, frequently updated session states), the database buer
must be big enough that the processing capacity used for disk I/O does not hamper request
The database buer is similar to a cache in a le system. For good performance, the cache must
be used as much as possible, so there is no need to wait for a disk read operation. The best
performance is when the entire database contents ts in the database buer. However, in most
cases, this is not feasible. Aim to have the “working set” of the client applications in the buer.
Also monitor the disk I/O. If HADB performs many disk read operations, this means that the
database is low on buer space. The database buer is partitioned into blocks of size 16KB, the
same block size used on the disk. HADB schedules multiple blocks for reading and writing in
one I/O operation.
Use the hadbm deviceinfo command to monitor disk use. For example, hadbm deviceinfo
--details will produce output similar to this:
NodeNo TotalSize FreeSize Usage
0 512 504 1%
1 512 504 1%
The columns in the output are:
TotalSize: size of device in MB.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1PerformanceTuningGuide January2009110