
Connection Queue
Total Connections Queued: Total connections queued is the total number of times a
connection has been queued. This includes newly accepted connections and connections
from the keep-alive system.
Average Queuing Delay: Average queueing delay is the average amount of time a connection
spends in the connection queue. This represents the delay between when a request
connection is accepted by the server, and a request processing thread (also known as a
session) begins servicing the request.
Tuning the HTTP Service
The settings for the HTTP service are divided into the following categories in the Admin
“Access Log” on page 64
“Request Processing” on page 64
“Keep Alive” on page 66
“HTTP Protocol” on page 67
“HTTP File Cache” on page 67
Access Log
When performing benchmarking, ensure that access logging is disabled.
If you need to disable access logging, in HTTP Service click Add Property, and add the
following property:
name: accessLoggingEnabled
value: false
You can set the following access log properties:
Rotation (enabled/disabled). Enable rotation to ensure that the logs don’t run out of disk
Rotation Policy:ime-based or size-based. Size-based is the default.
Rotation Interval.
Request Processing
On the Request Processing tab of the HTTP Service page, tune the following HTTP request
processing settings:
Thread Count
Initial Thread Count
HTTP ServiceSettings
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1PerformanceTuningGuide January200964