
TABLE3–3 Tunable ORBSettings (Continued)
RMI/ IIOP from ORBto Enterprise Server communication
infrastructure, thread
steady-thread-pool-size, max-thread-pool-size,
RMI/ IIOP from a vendorORB parts of communication
infrastructure, thread
steady-thread-pool-size, max-thread-pool-size,
In-process thread pool steady-thread-pool-size,max-thread-pool-size,
Tunable ORB Parameters
Tune the following ORB parameters using the Admin Console:
Thread Pool ID: Name of the thread pool to use.
Max Message Fragment Size: Messages larger than this number of bytes will be fragmented.
In CORBA GIOPv1.2, a Request, Reply, LocateRequest and LocateReply message can be
broken into multiple fragments. The rst message is a regular Request or Reply message
with more fragments bit in the ags eld set to true. If inter-ORB messages are for the most
part larger than the default size (1024 bytes), increase the fragment size to decrease latencies
on the network.
Total Connections: Maximum number of incoming connections at any time, on all listeners.
Protects the server state by allowing nite number of connections. This value equals the
maximum number of threads that will actively read from the connection.
IIOP Client Authentication Required (true/false)
ORB Thread Pool Parameters
The ORB thread pool contains a task queue and a pool of threads. Tasks or jobs are inserted into
the task queue and free threads pick tasks from this queue for execution. Do not set a thread
pool size such that the task queue is always empty. It is normal for a large application’s Max Pool
Size to be ten times the size of the current task queue.
The Enterprise Server uses the ORB thread pool to:
Execute every ORB request.
Trim EJB pools and caches.
Thus, even when one is not using ORB for remote-calls (via RMI/ IIOP), set the size of the
threadpool to facilitate cleaning up the EJB pools and caches.
Set ORB thread pool attributes under Congurations > cong-name > Thread Pools >
thread-pool-ID, where thread-pool-ID is the thread pool ID selected for the ORB. Thread pools
have the following attributes that aect performance.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1PerformanceTuningGuide January200972