
96257 Sun Confidential: Internal Only xvi
Revision A
Strictly Comply With Caution and Warning Messages
To prevent injury and equipment damage, comply with all caution and warning messages
in this document. Also employ any and all other precautions which you deem necessary
for safe operation of equipment in your specific operating environment.
Carefully Follow Procedural Steps
Always complete procedural steps in listed order. Performing steps out of order can ex-
pose you to potentially hazardous or lethal conditions.
Protect Yourself From Moving Parts
Restrict loose clothing and long hair to avoid becoming entangled in moving parts such as
fans, impellers, and blowers.
Promptly Reinstall Covers and Doors
After completing service procedures, promptly reinstall cabinet covers, and close and lock
cabinet doors to maintain proper cabinet airflow, prevent overheating, and restrict accessi-
bility to energized FRUs.
Miscellaneous Safety Precautions
To prevent tipovers, never tilt a cabinet beyond a 15-degree angle (e.g., when ascending
or descending ramps). Use caution when working near open floor tiles. Use good house-
keeping practices to avoid fire hazards and to reduce the potential for mishaps.
Electrostatic Discharge Precautions
Electrostatic discharge (ESD)-sensitive components must always be handled under pro-
tected conditions, and ESD-preventive equipment must be used when servicing equip-
ment. Employees who handles ESD-sensitive parts must be aware of the damage that
ESD can cause, and must take the following precautions to prevent it.
Use ESD-Preventive Equipment
Always use Field Service Grounding Kit P/N 4711 when installing or servicing Sun equip-
ment. Always use a conductive wrist strap and antistatic work mat, and ensure those are
grounded to a jack or unpainted metal on the cabinet frame when working.
Regularly Check and Clean ESD-Preventive Equipment
Regularly (at least monthly during frequent use) verify the resistance of wrist-strap
grounding cords to be between 0.8M ohm (Ω) and 1.2M ohm (Ω), and work mat cords to
be less than 1.2M ohm (Ω); replace damaged cords or any that do not meet these specifi-
cations. Regularly (at least monthly during frequent use) clean antistatic work mats; ACL
Conductive Cleaner is preferred for this purpose since it leaves no residue, but isopropyl
alcohol or a mild detergent and water solution can also be used.
Remove Conductive Personal Items
Before beginning service procedures inside a cabinet, remove all conductive metal ob-
jects from your person including rings, watches, necklaces, and badge chains.
Handle ESD-Sensitive Components Carefully
Keep circuit cards, ASICs, and other ESD-sensitive components away from ESD sources
and extraneous electrical currents. Keep parts in ESD-protective packaging until installa-
tion, and store removed ESD-sensitive parts in protective packaging.