
96257 Sun Confidential: Internal Only 4-47
Revision A
Site Evaluation – Internal Considerations
Transfering Equipment Point-to-Point
Site conditions must be verified to ensure all VSM5 system equipment can be safely trans-
ported between the delivery dock, staging area, and data center without encountering di-
mensional restrictions, obstructions, or safety hazards, or exceeding rated capacities of
lifting and loading equipment, flooring, or other infrastructure. Conditions that must to be
verified are described below.
Structural Dimensions and Obstructions
Dimensions of elevators, doors, hallways, etc. must be sufficient to allow unimpeded tran-
sit of VSM5-VTSS cabinets (in shipping containers, where appropriate) from the delivery
dock to the data center installation location. See “VSM5-VTSS Physical Characteristics”
on page 2-33 for VTSS cabinet-dimension details.
Elevator Lifting Capacities
Any elevators that will be used to transfer VSM5-VTSS cabinets must have a certified load
rating of at least
1000 kg (2200 lbs.). This provides adequate capacity to lift the heaviest
packaged, fully-popuated VTSS cabinet (roughly 480 kg/1056 lbs. with 64 array drives), a
pallet jack (allow 100 kg/220 lbs.), and two persons (allow 200 kg/440 lbs.). See “VSM5-
VTSS Physical Characteristics” on page 2-33 for additional cabinet-weight details.
Floor-Load Ratings
Solid floors, raised floors, and ramps located along the transfer path for VSM5-VTSS cab-
inets must be able to withstand concentrated and rolling loads generated by the weight of
a populated cabinet, equipment used to lift a cabinet (e.g., a pallet jack), and personnel
who are moving the cabinet from point to point.
Raised floor panels
located along a transfer path must be able to resist a concentrated
load of 454 kg (1000 lbs.) and a rolling load of 181 kg (400 lbs.) anywhere on the panel,
with a maximum deflection of 2 mm (0.08 in.). Raised floor pedestals
must be able to re-
sist an axial load of 2268 kg (5000 lbs.). See “Floor Loading Requirements” on page 4-52
for additional floor-loading details.
When being moved from one location to another, a VSM5-VTSS cabinet generates rough-
ly twice the floor load as in a static state. Using 19 mm (0.75 in.) plywood along a transfer
path reduces the rolling load produced by a cabinet.
Ramp Inclines
To prevent VSM5-VTSS cabinets from tipping on ramps while being moved from point to
point, the site engineer or facilities manager must verify the incline angle of all ramps in
the transfer path. Inclines cannot exceed 10 degrees (176 mm/m; 2.12 in./ft.).