
96257 Sun Confidential: Internal Only A-73
Revision A
Array Drive Module Status Descriptions
Table A-5. Array Drive Module Status Descriptions
Drive Module Status Status Code Meaning/Description
Production Partition
Production: Active P.A (PA) Drive is active.
Production: Broken P.B (PB)
Drive is inactive and marked as broken. After its data is moved to
a spare, broken drive is removed from Production partition and
put in ‘Unavailable: Broken’ (U.B) state.
Production: Copy P.C (PC) Drive is receiving data from drain of Production drive.
Production: Draining P.D (PD) Drive is being drained.
Initialize Array
P.I (PI) Drive is part of array initialization process.
Pending Drain
P.P (PP)
Drive is awaiting drain, but drain cannot start because:
Broken-to-spare data reconstruction is in progress
Another drive in the array is being drained
The number of spares is inadequate (occurs if number of
spares was reduced after drain request was accepted).
P.R (PR)
Data from broken drive is being reconstructed on spare drive,
which moves to ‘P.A’ state when reconstruction finishes.
Unknown Drive State
P.? (P?)
Drive is broken but cause is unknown. Usually means data is be-
ing reconstructed to a spare, but may indicate other unknown
state. After its data is moved, the broken drive moves from the
Production partition to an ‘Unavailable: Broken’ (U.B) state.
Media Acceptance Test (MAT) Partition
MAT: Active M.A (MA) Drive is active and available for allocation as a spare.
MAT: Fenced M.F (MF) Drive is fenced because GFR function is in progress.
MAT: Drive Not Ready M.? (M?)
Drive is not active due to diagnostic error. After failure is isolated,
broken drive is removed from MAT partition and put in ‘Unavail-
able: Broken’ (U.B) state.
Spares Partition
Spare: Active S.A (SA)
Drive is available to form arrays, reconstruct data, or receive da-
ta from drain operation.
Spare: Fenced S.F (SF) Drive is fenced for drive test.
Spare: Pending Drain S.P (SP) Drive is awaiting drain pending completion of drive test.
Spare: Drive Failure S.? (S?)
Drive is not active for unknown reason (possible failure). After
failure is isolated, broken drive is removed from Spares partition
and put in ‘Unavailable: Broken’ (U.B) state.
Unavailable Partition
Unavailable: Broken U.B (UB) Drive is broken.
Unavailable: Isolated U.I (UI) Drive is isolated from the SSA loop configuration.
No Active Drive Module
U.N (UN) No active drive is sensed in this slot.
Slot Not Installed
U.S (US) No drive is installed in this slot.